Partonomy list P1F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

glandulae endocrinae

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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
3534 Tax
glandulae endocrinae
endocrine glands
13889 3535 Tax
hypophysis ; glandula pituitaria
hypophysis ; pituitary gland
74627 3536 Tax
adenohypophysis ; lobus anterior hypophysis
adenohypophysis ; anterior lobe of hypophysis
74631 3537 Tax
pars tuberalis adenohypophysis
tuberal part of adenohypophysis
74632 3538 Tax
pars intermedia adenohypophysis
intermediate part of adenohypophysis
74630 3539 Tax
pars distalis adenohypophysis
distal part of adenohypophysis ; pars anterior of adenohypophysis
74628 3540 Tax
neurohypophysis ; lobus posterior hypophysis
neurohypophysis ; posterior lobe of hypophysis
74635 3541 Tax
infundibulum neurohypophysis
infundibulum of neurohypophysis
74636 3542 Tax
pars nervosa neurohypophysis ; lobus nervosus neurohypophysis
nervous part of neurohypophysis ; nervous lobe of neurohypophysis
62033 3543 Tax
glandula pinealis ; corpus pineale
pineal gland ; pineal body
9603 3544 Tax
glandula thyroidea
thyroid gland
13367 3545
lobus glandulae thyroideae (par)
lobe of thyroid gland (pair)
55516 3552 Tax
lobuli glandulae thyroideae (par)
lobules of thyroid gland (pair)
49178 3546 Tax
isthmus glandulae thyroideae
isthmus of thyroid gland
49180 3547 Tax
(lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae )
(pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland )
55533 3548 Tax
(glandulae thyroideae accessoriae )
(accessory thyroid glands )
55518 3549 Tax
capsula fibrosa glandulae thyroideae (par)
fibrous capsule of thyroid gland (pair)
86304 3550 Tax
stroma glandulae thyroideae
stroma of thyroid gland
55520 3551 Tax
parenchyma glandulae thyroideae
parenchyma of thyroid gland
13890 3553 Tax
glandula parathyroidea
parathyroid gland
55558 3554 Tax
glandula parathyroidea superior
superior parathyroid gland
55559 3555 Tax
glandula parathyroidea inferior
inferior parathyroid gland
55567 3556 Tax
(glandula parathyroidea accessoria )
(accessory parathyroid gland )
9604 3557 Tax
glandula suprarenalis (par)
suprarenal gland (pair) ; adrenal gland (pair)
15635 3558 Tax
facies anterior glandulae suprarenalis (par)
anterior face of suprarenal gland (pair)
15636 3559 Tax
facies posterior glandulae suprarenalis (par)
posterior face of suprarenal gland (pair)
15637 3560 Tax
facies renalis glandulae suprarenalis (par)
renal face of suprarenal gland (pair)
75131 3561 Tax
margo superior glandulae suprarenalis (par)
superior border of suprarenal gland (pair)
75132 3562 Tax
margo medialis glandulae suprarenalis (par)
medial border of suprarenal gland (pair)
15632 3563 Tax
cortex glandulae suprarenalis (par)
cortex of suprarenal gland (pair)
15633 3564 Tax
medulla glandulae suprarenalis (par)
medulla of suprarenal gland (pair)
15646 3565 Tax
hilum glandulae suprarenalis (par)
hilum of suprarenal gland (pair)
69385 3566 Tax
vena centralis glandulae suprarenalis (par)
central vein of suprarenal gland (pair)
3567 Tax
(glandula suprarenalis accessoria (par) )
(accessory suprarenal gland (pair) )
76489 2764 Tax
insulae pancreaticae
pancreatic islets
7209 3145 Tax
ovarium ♀
ovary ♀
7210 3273 Tax
testis ♂ ; orchis ♂
testis ♂
5894 6796
paraganglia ; paraganglia
paraganglia ; sympathetic paraganglia
50095 3805 Tax
glomus caroticum
carotid body ; carotid glomus
50848 4507 Tax
glomus jugulare ; glomus tympanicum
jugular body; jugular glomus; tympanic glomus
327494 16622 Tax
glomera aortopulmonalia ; glomera aortica thoracica
aortopulmonary paraganglia; thoracic aortic bodies
16623 Tax
glomera cavalia
caval bodies
15647 3801 Tax
glomera paraaortica ; corpora paraaortica ; glomera aortica abdominalia
paraaortic paraganglia; paraaortic bodies ; abdominal aortic bodies
15649 4206 Tax
glomus coccygeum ; corpus coccygeum
coccygeal body; coccygeal glomus
44 lines
79.5 %
77.3 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
See Verlinden et al. (2018, Scient Rep 8:11697) for paraganglia in the wall of the inferior vena cava in the diaphragma, innervated by the right phrenic nerve.
Date: 27.05.2024